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Even Thai Girls Cry by J. F. Gump
Date 2012-09-21 |
Views 833
She calls herself that sometimes. Tippawan Bongkot is her given name but everyone knows her as Math. She doesn't know where the nickname came from; she just accepts it without question as a proper Thai lady should. math is a beautiful young lady in a mad dash to find herself. What she finds instead is love and death.
Math's frantic search takes her from the sizzling resort town of Pattaya on the southeast coast of Thailand to the beautiful city of Chiang Mai in the north. From the bed of her American lover to the arms of her dying father, Math lives each day as if it might be her last. Her adventures are happy and sad, funny and tragic. Math is true and false, fact and fantasy. The story you about to read is based on actual events. Only the details are fiction. You will fall in love with Math as you follow her through one amazing year of her life. You will laugh at her good times and cry for her sorrow.
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