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Date 2012-10-01 |
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Amazing Thai Lady by Heinz Duthel
Date 2012-10-01 |
Views 882
A Thailand Virgin No More. She was a beautiful, nice eye, a virgin how I found out after. She worked in a leading department store at the Western Union, all seems to be perfect and I believed to have found the ‘woman of my lifeâ€â,¢, but I didnâ€â,¢t realize…
She is Thai, and a Thai woman never belongs to you, she belongs forever to her family. Thailand: Where Dreams (or Nightmares?) come True. Backgrounds, place, location and names are fiction and non- fictional: I really enjoyed the stories about that gentleman who brought his Thai woman to the U.S. Its great to hear how she reacts to all the little things that we take advantage of on a daily basis. Maybe someone will read this story and have a laugh or two.
First of all and very important to me, I would not stress the word "Thai" woman! It is definitely an Asian issue. Vietnamese woman are at least similar and as you correctly state, the issue at hand is not comparable with behaviour in the west.
You know, most Western men venturing into Asia with the specific purpose of getting themselves a girlie, are those fed up with emancipated woman of the west. Logically they are looking for a feminine, sweet, even sexy girl. That's all good and well what the outside is concerned. But mostly they do not realize what they get on the inside. And as they - those western man I mean - are quite helpless or at least not very able in many cases to sort out their own lives even back at home they are in a very delicate position. And, for that, you give them perfect insight in your latest Weekly.
Let's get things clear. Many western - and even some Asian I would say - man think those Asian barbies are a bit stupid, not thinking a lot but rather wanting to perform in bed, and are just feminine to please their husbands which they adore... Oh boy how wrong they are.
Your Love in Thailand?
‘Yes, Thai woman are much more then a dream for any manâ€â,¢A Thailand Virgin No More. She was a beautiful, nice eye, a virgin how I found out after. She worked in a leading department store at the Western Union, all seems to be perfect and I believed to have found the ‘woman of my lifeâ€â,¢, but I didnâ€â,¢t realize…
She is Thai, and a Thai woman never belongs to you, she belongs forever to her family. Thailand: Where Dreams (or Nightmares?) come True. Backgrounds, place, location and names are fiction and non- fictional: I really enjoyed the stories about that gentleman who brought his Thai woman to the U.S. Its great to hear how she reacts to all the little things that we take advantage of on a daily basis. Maybe someone will read this story and have a laugh or two.
First of all and very important to me, I would not stress the word "Thai" woman! It is definitely an Asian issue. Vietnamese woman are at least similar and as you correctly state, the issue at hand is not comparable with behaviour in the west.
You know, most Western men venturing into Asia with the specific purpose of getting themselves a girlie, are those fed up with emancipated woman of the west. Logically they are looking for a feminine, sweet, even sexy girl. That's all good and well what the outside is concerned. But mostly they do not realize what they get on the inside. And as they - those western man I mean - are quite helpless or at least not very able in many cases to sort out their own lives even back at home they are in a very delicate position. And, for that, you give them perfect insight in your latest Weekly.
Let's get things clear. Many western - and even some Asian I would say - man think those Asian barbies are a bit stupid, not thinking a lot but rather wanting to perform in bed, and are just feminine to please their husbands which they adore... Oh boy how wrong they are.
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